Winter Crossword

  1. 1. Worn on your hands to keep you warm
  2. 5. the walls and roof of a candy house
  3. 8. to wrap around your face and neck
  4. 11. A hot winter drink
  5. 12. The month Christmas and New Years eve fall on
  6. 13. To keep your ears warm
  7. 15. Ice hanging from your roof
  8. 16. He puts presents under the tree
  9. 17. The color of snow
  10. 19. Done on blades on the ice
  1. 2. A warm knit shirt
  2. 3. Bears ________ in the winter
  3. 4. Has a carrot nose
  4. 6. A speck of snow
  5. 7. Place to light a fire
  6. 9. Pull Santa's sleigh
  7. 10. Celebration of the birth of Christ
  8. 14. Riding down a snowy hill
  9. 18. Worn on your head to keep you warm