Winter Crossword

  1. 2. a close-fitting garment covering the whole head and neck except for parts of the face, typically made of wool
  2. 3. (of the weather or wind) cold but fresh and enlivening
  3. 5. the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
  4. 7. an enclosed structure in which material can be heated to very high temperatures
  5. 9. a very strong wind
  6. 10. incredibly happy
  7. 11. an act of sniffing because of a cold or crying.
  1. 1. person or animal remain inactive or indoors for an extended period.
  2. 4. very cold in temperature
  3. 6. (of an enclosed space) cold and uncomfortable because of currents of cool air.
  4. 8. a game played on ice, especially in Scotland and Canada, in which large round flat stones are slid across the surface toward a mark. Members of a team use brooms to sweep the surface of the ice in the path of the stone to control its speed and direction.