Winter Crossword

  1. 4. when the wind makes it feel colder than the actual temperature.
  2. 5. ______ holds the candles for Hanukkah.
  3. 7. a large mass of snow sliding down a mountain.
  4. 8. A period of very cold winter weather that damages plants.
  5. 9. food left out for Santa.
  6. 11. a storm with heavy snow, strong winds, and severe cold.
  1. 1. food serve during Omisoka.
  2. 2. ______ holds the candles for Kwanzaa.
  3. 3. A standardized measure of how hot or cold it is outside.
  4. 6. food served during Hanukkah.
  5. 10. a fun sport that involves two long, narrow pieces of hard, flexible material fastened under the feet for gliding over snow.