Winter Crossword

  1. 3. dark,milk,white,etc.
  2. 4. "What are you giving up for___?"
  3. 8. 29th of February
  4. 10. LVIII
  5. 12. Be Mine, XO, etc.
  6. 13. Friday meal plan for Lent
  7. 15. Find the Baby in the King Cake
  8. 16. year of the dragon
  9. 17. Ruthie's Busiest Week
  10. 18. dust to dust
  1. 1. talking stage
  2. 2. Worst Day to be single
  3. 5. penultimate Intramurals celebration
  4. 6. Disney takes on Stockholm Syndrome
  5. 7. Part of Carter G. Woodson's Legacy
  6. 9. George Washingtons Favorite Holiday
  7. 11. Yeah!
  8. 14. Punxsutawney Phil Sighting