Winter In Burlington

  1. 1. sponsor of free skating across Burlington
  2. 3. the first name of the park with an outdoor ice rink
  3. 5. a type of skating, a number or a bodily shape
  4. 7. do you want to build a ______?
  5. 9. popular past time at hole #4 in Tyandaga
  6. 11. need skates? don't worry! we have some
  7. 12. pick up hockey
  8. 14. keeps the ice nice and smooth
  1. 2. an alternative way to play sticks and pucks
  2. 4. when throwing stones is acceptable
  3. 6. a beloved sport across all of Canada
  4. 7. the worst part about snow...
  5. 8. festival of _____ by the water
  6. 10. the star of the parade
  7. 13. (acronym) great way to get back to nature with their winter hikes