Winter in Europe

  1. 1. The shortest day of the winter is called winter …
  2. 3. The opposite of freeze
  3. 6. Another santa claus name used in England(2 words)
  4. 8. In the most of the Europe cold weather comes with an … cyclone
  5. 10. Untensil made for keeping tea warm
  6. 11. Something you sit on as you ride down a hill
  7. 12. The coldest place(country) in Europe
  8. 14. The coldest Scandinavian country in wintertime
  1. 2. The machine used to remove snow from roads
  2. 4. A fear of snow
  3. 5. In Scandinavia, a small gnome called “….” puts presents under the Christmas tree at night
  4. 6. Skiing event where athletes do acrobatics in the air (2words)
  5. 7. Snow crashing down a mountain
  6. 9. The best Europe country for skiing
  7. 13. The latest winter olimpic games held in europe was in