Winter in Time

  1. 2. An administrator that helps Dr. Tobias
  2. 4. moving rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps.
  3. 6. works with students to resolve class issues
  4. 10. a statement or action seen as a form of indirect or unintentional discrimination against a marginalized or minority group.
  5. 13. the process of receiving systematic instruction
  6. 14. the guy you're trying to find
  7. 15. Mass transportation for students
  1. 1. a thing that happens, especially one of importance.
  2. 3. a dark area or shape produced by an object coming between rays of light and a surface.
  3. 5. an aptitude test to help you get into college
  4. 7. DSA's short lived boxing scene
  5. 8. a type of transportation
  6. 9. a type of season
  7. 11. a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.
  8. 12. where you watch movies