Winter Operations

  1. 4. what surfaces should be clear of frost and ice
  2. 5. the hold over time not applicable in this condition when use 25/75 used
  3. 7. chemical agents used to treat runways enter cabin as mist, misidentified as
  4. 8. Santa lives here
  5. 10. how a anti icing fluid is identified by content
  6. 11. change of water vapour to ice
  7. 12. this is what snow / ice / frost can be described as on movement areas
  8. 13. this type of residue when aircraft has not been flown after anti icing
  9. 16. snow that can be blown loose and not form a snowball
  10. 17. what type of ice is accumulated on the engine fan blades at idle speed
  11. 18. abbreviation of lowest temp can use de ice fluid
  12. 21. this is acceptable on the crown section of aircraft fuselage
  13. 22. use this facility for retardation on the runway
  14. 23. what shall be done to aircraft before spraying starts
  15. 24. info on RWY state & braking conditions are contained in a
  16. 27. forward fuselage normally cleaned with hot ------ only
  17. 28. conducting periodic engine run ups will do this to ice
  1. 1. when should two way communications be established for de-/anti ice
  2. 2. trade name of typical de ice fluid used in UK
  3. 3. take off must not be attempted from contaminated RWY with this
  4. 4. fluid / water mix expressed as a percentage by volume
  5. 5. time of protection will be shortened in these conditions
  6. 6. snow that will break into lumps or may hold together when picked up
  7. 9. exercising nose wheel steering in both directions circulates this type of fluid
  8. 14. when these hit hard ground do not bounce or shatter
  9. 15. condition of atmosphere when maximum water vapour present
  10. 19. KILFROST ABC3 is what type of de- icing fluid?
  11. 20. skiddometer code listed on a SNOWTAM
  12. 21. how much percent correct MOCA/MORA - from ISA - ISA-15
  13. 23. type of ice in a layer, relatively transparent
  14. 25. what should not be used to clean windshield if contaminated
  15. 26. abbreviation of the tables used to determine effective time of de-ice protection
  16. 27. when more than 25% of runway surface is visibly damp or < 3mm of water