Winter Splash Crossword

  1. 1. Network located in Wisconsin
  2. 5. One of the original six… or a green source of concern
  3. 7. Us!
  4. 9. Important source of funding for the region
  5. 11. Soldiers… or a useful technology
  6. 12. Wisconsin river
  7. 14. Don’t need a MBA to do this!
  8. 16. Area draining in a body of water
  9. 17. Not welcomed
  10. 18. Essential for growth... that can become a nuisance
  11. 21. Bigger locks than the ones used for bikes
  12. 22. A source of pollution
  13. 23. This disk will help you to see in great depth
  14. 25. Now known as the sediment and nutrient reduction program
  1. 2. Citizen science based program
  2. 3. Important economic activity in the basin
  3. 4. Something we are trying to keep out of water
  4. 6. Saginaw or Georgian
  5. 8. Practice in agriculture that has a lot of benefits
  6. 10. Can be a nuisance… or a very useful material
  7. 13. Cute nickname for an undesirable plant
  8. 15. Accronym for a region receiving a lot of attention
  9. 19. Strange mathematics?
  10. 20. A resident of the Great Lakes
  11. 24. A very slippery cover