Winter Sports

  1. 3. polar dog breed
  2. 4. bump on a ski slope
  3. 7. specialized footwear made for walking on snow
  4. 9. country form of skiing on flat snow-covered terrain, often used as travel
  5. 13. small one- or two-person sled on which one sleds feet-first
  6. 16. flat object attached to a rider’s feet made for downhill descent
  7. 17. long stick used when skiing
  8. 18. ice sport with large flat stones and brooms
  9. 19. type of skating focused on jumps, spins and lifts
  10. 21. name of famous ice skating trick
  11. 22. traveling or sliding downhill over snow on a flat object.
  12. 23. machine used to resurface ice for skating
  13. 24. synonym for sled
  1. 1. Nordic sport mixing cross-country skiing and rifle shooting
  2. 2. single person bobsled done face down and head first
  3. 5. an area of land on a hill or mountain where people can ski
  4. 6. team sport involving timed runs down iced tracks in a sleigh
  5. 8. motorized vehicle designed for winter travel and recreation
  6. 10. skiing between poles or gates
  7. 11. contact team sport played on ice skates
  8. 12. annual long-distance sled dog race
  9. 14. where competitors race against each other in an oval track
  10. 15. A U-shaped trench used for performing freestyle tricks
  11. 16. a narrow strip of semi-rigid material worn underfoot to glide over snow
  12. 20. another name for downhill skiing