Winter Stuff

  1. 5. Heats your house in winter
  2. 7. White flakes that fall from the sky
  3. 8. Made to travel over snow, especially down hill
  4. 11. Use this to clean snow off driveway
  5. 12. partially frozen water
  6. 14. frozen water
  7. 15. Boots with metal blades attached
  8. 17. Sliding down a hill on two long "sticks"
  9. 18. When a car can't move because of the deep snow
  1. 1. another name for skates
  2. 2. Season after winter
  3. 3. What happens when it gets too warm for snow to stay frozen
  4. 4. Look kind of like tennis rackets and help you walk on deep snow
  5. 6. Wear these to keep your hands warm
  6. 9. Use this to clean snow off car window
  7. 10. Holiday celebrated on December 25th
  8. 13. What some birds do when it gets too cold
  9. 16. Wool hat