winter travel safety

  1. 2. A way to make sure you are ready for the unexpected
  2. 5. Always include extra batteries for this and keep it in your car
  3. 7. You can run this for ten minutes every hour to take the chill out of the air
  4. 10. Will provide warmth if you are stranded in your car
  5. 13. Use this light at night to aid rescuers in finding you in your car
  6. 14. One of the four P's of safe winter travel
  7. 15. Never underestimate the ability for winter weather to _______!
  1. 1. A colorful one of these can be used to signal distress
  2. 3. use this to dial 911 or 511 in an emergency
  3. 4. ____ing the gas tank will minimize condensation and provide an advantage if you are stranded
  4. 6. A level you should check prior to winter driving
  5. 8. Something that can be useful for traction if you are stuck
  6. 9. You will ______ yourself if you; buckle up, pack a car survival kit and dress appropriately for the weather
  7. 11. This will keep your blood flowing and your mind working well
  8. 12. Slow down, be alert and dont drink and drive will prevent this