Winter Trimester Review

  1. 2. a comparison of two things not using like or as
  2. 4. a small selection from a larger text
  3. 5. a brief retelling of the beginning middle and end of a selection.
  4. 8. an incomplete sentence that is missing either a subject or verb.
  5. 11. when the author repeats a word or phrase on purpose to create an effect.
  6. 12. the narrator's perspective (can be 1st, 3rd, or 2nd person)
  1. 1. a group of lines in a poem.
  2. 3. this is a question that does not require an answer.
  3. 5. a comparison of two things using like or as
  4. 6. the feeling/emotion a reader gets from the text
  5. 7. giving a nonhuman object human characteristics.
  6. 9. the attitude or voice of the speaker.
  7. 10. a spoken conversation and is usually enclosed in quotation marks.