Winter Vacation Psychology Review

  1. 3. personality traits that cannot be observed externally
  2. 5. a behavior that decreases fear and worry
  3. 7. the lobe involved in hearing
  4. 8. he studied bobo dolls and discovered social learning
  5. 9. the professional best suited to prescribe psychiatric medication
  6. 12. branch of psychology that focusses on self-improvement
  7. 14. the founder of operant conditioning
  8. 16. the lobe involved in reading and vision
  9. 19. the hormone related to fight, flight, freeze
  10. 20. the process of making a memory code in the brain
  11. 22. an emotion that is part of the cause of OCD
  12. 24. the space between neurons
  13. 26. a memory strategy that is proven to work
  14. 27. researcher who first studied moral development
  15. 28. psychologist who focuses on the study of death
  16. 29. panic attacks feel similar to
  17. 31. a stimulus that an organism is indifferent towards
  18. 32. an uncontrollable, repeating, worrisome thought
  19. 33. a Freudian defense mechanism and an emotional experience for folks in separation shock
  20. 37. a gland involved in metabolism
  21. 39. the researcher who discovered classical conditioning
  22. 40. the brain region involved in fear
  23. 41. a detailed, accurate, and vivid memory of a life-changing experience
  24. 42. condition that is defined by difficulty sustaining focus
  1. 1. neurotransmitter involved in attention that can be changed into dopamine
  2. 2. the acronym for the Big 5 personality traits
  3. 4. a mental illness associated with uncontrollable, disproportionate worry about many things
  4. 6. first line antideressent medical intervention
  5. 9. the think folks with panic disorder fear
  6. 10. neurotransmitter for beauty
  7. 11. neurotransmitter for winning
  8. 13. reasearcher who focused on caring for others as part of their moral development stages
  9. 15. an uncomfortable feeling whenyou have a thought that contradicts a behavior; this leads to rejecing accurate information
  10. 17. most effective therapy for mood disorders
  11. 18. the type of doctor who can perform mental health therapy
  12. 21. a stimulus that illicits an automatic response
  13. 23. an increase in memory retrieval errors
  14. 25. when you receive a valueless item that can be exchanged for something useful
  15. 30. a Freudian part of the brain that is selfless
  16. 34. the researcher who made the 1st personality theory
  17. 35. the part of the cerebral cortex most involved in planning, impulse control, focus, and strategy
  18. 36. traits that can be observed
  19. 38. simplest nervous system cell