Winter Weather Safety

  1. 4. Make sure to keep all of your __________ devices fully charged when winter weather is expected.
  2. 7. Always keep an extra _________ in your car.
  3. 8. Avoid using _________ cords to plug in your space heater.
  4. 9. Improper ventilation of a _________ heater can result in carbon monoxide poisoning.
  1. 1. Unusually low body temperature resulting in confusion, slurred speech or drowsiness.
  2. 2. Issued when their is a possibility of winter weather.
  3. 3. Causes loss of feeling and color around the face, fingers and toes.
  4. 5. When the power goes out, only use __________ and grills outdoors.
  5. 6. Issued when hazardous winter weather in the form of heavy snow, freezing rain, or sleet is imminent.
  6. 10. To avoid frozen _________, let the water drip at night from the faucets.