Winter Wonderland

  1. 4. Long, wooden sled used to coast down snow-covered hills
  2. 5. "Last Christmas I gave you my _____"
  3. 9. A circular arrangement of greenery or flowers
  4. 11. Cheerful, good-humored
  5. 14. A Spanish phrase meaning "Happy Christmas"
  6. 15. An incense symbolizing holiness
  7. 16. "Oh _______ of comfort and joy."
  8. 18. "the Christmas season" derived from Old French
  9. 20. Badly-behaved
  10. 21. "fir tree" in German
  11. 22. A hot, spiced cider drink, traditionally served to poor carolers by their wealthy neighbors
  12. 23. This holiday is celebrated by lighting candles, eating fried foods, playing games, and giving gifts.
  13. 24. Good children will get these under the tree
  14. 25. "You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and _____"
  15. 26. Frosty
  16. 27. A pagan festical celebrating rebirth and renewal held on the Winter Solstice
  17. 28. A red and white hard candy
  1. 1. A popular ballet set, scored by Tchaikovsky
  2. 2. A cookie made with molasses and ginger
  3. 3. A sled typically pulled by horses or reindeer
  4. 6. A region in Finland rumored to be where Santa Claus lives
  5. 7. ____ Christmas
  6. 8. A phonetic translation of "Merry Christmas" into the Hawaiian language
  7. 10. A candle holder for the seven candles lit during Kwanzaa
  8. 12. A tree decoration
  9. 13. The English personification of Christmas
  10. 17. Bad kids get this in their stockings
  11. 19. Singing Christmas ______
  12. 22. solstice The first day of winter and the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere
  13. 24. This Mexican shrub was first used as a Christmas decoration by Franciscan friars in the 17th century