Winter Wonderland

  1. 1. A hanging piece, formed by the freezing of dripping water
  2. 3. A fluffy accessory that is worn like headphones
  3. 6. Precipitation formed by tiny ice pellets, sometimes mixing with rain or snow
  4. 8. A warm beverage made from heavy cream, milk, egg yolks, cinnamon and vanilla
  5. 10. Soft hand warmers worn with no individual finger placements
  6. 11. A strong snowstorm with high winds and low visibility
  7. 12. Time off of school due to heavy amounts of winter weather
  8. 13. Flightless bird that lives in the Southern Hemisphere
  9. 14. Connected to a chimney, it helps provide warmth inside during the winter
  1. 2. An Olympic sport played on ice in which players slide large round stones towards a target
  2. 4. A small vehicle used to transport individuals across snow or ice -- or down a hill!
  3. 5. A name given to plants whose leaves stay green throughout the entire year
  4. 6. A chilly statue often made with a carrot nose
  5. 7. A winter sport that consists of using boots with blades on the bottom to glide across the ice
  6. 9. When an animal or plant spends the winter in a dormant state