winter wondrland 1

  1. 2. what keeps our house warm in the winter and where we hang our stockings
  2. 5. a little red winter bird
  3. 6. what turns all the trees and leaves white when winter comes starts with F
  4. 7. silver ringing accessories that tell you horses are near by
  5. 8. something done on a frozen lake with line, a whole and a hook
  6. 13. when water gets cold enough it becomes...
  7. 14. many animals sleep during the winter, this is called
  8. 17. a sweet and rich winter drink
  9. 19. kids catch them on their tongues, starts with S
  10. 20. a harsh snow storm and a name for a DQ icecream treat
  11. 21. some people use these to decorate for the holidays, they hold the seeds of evergreen trees
  1. 1. the temperature in winter
  2. 3. spike of ice created by water dripping and freezing
  3. 4. famous from the Inuit this mode of transport it pulled by mans best friend
  4. 9. a friend made of snow with a carrot as a nose
  5. 10. frozen water
  6. 11. a cold spiced creamy drink common around the holidays
  7. 12. kids love to do this on snowy hills often crashing into things
  8. 15. wrap yourself up in one of these to keep warm and comfy starts with B
  9. 16. a large animal that lives far up north with large antlers
  10. 18. keeps are hand warm often knitted with wool