Winter Words

  1. 3. turned to ice
  2. 5. a hot liquid food
  3. 6. a bad snow storm
  4. 7. can be built or made with the snow
  5. 8. a deposit of small white ice crystals
  6. 12. a part of the year marked by a weather pattern
  7. 13. the month that is the beginning of the New Year
  8. 15. the solid form of water
  9. 16. shoes for the snow
  10. 18. a hand covering
  11. 19. worn around the neck when it's cold
  1. 1. the month of Christmas
  2. 2. a place to build a fire
  3. 4. a coat
  4. 5. a flake of snow
  5. 7. falls from the sky
  6. 8. a month of the year
  7. 9. used to travel in the snow
  8. 10. covering for the hand when its cold
  9. 11. a cold season
  10. 14. an impression made by a foot
  11. 17. Cocoa a warm chocolate drink
  12. 20. the opposite of hot