winter words

  1. 3. wear it when its cold
  2. 4. helpers of Santa
  3. 6. put it in when its mild cold
  4. 8. u build it in the snow
  5. 11. the season of cold
  6. 14. drink it
  7. 15. stand by it to get warm
  8. 17. you put them on your feet
  9. 18. when it gets to cold
  10. 20. what Santa rides in
  1. 1. gives you presents
  2. 2. when it gets hotter everything...
  3. 5. make it out of snow
  4. 7. put on your ears
  5. 9. blowing you
  6. 10. house make it
  7. 12. are on Santa sleigh
  8. 13. very cold
  9. 16. when its cold
  10. 19. sickness