Winter words

  1. 1. a toy you can use to have fun in the snow
  2. 3. a sport you do in the snow
  3. 6. a ball made out of snow
  4. 7. something to keep you warm
  5. 9. some animals do this during the winter
  6. 10. a cone of ice that is sometimes sharp
  7. 13. what happens when the sun comes out and heats up everything
  8. 14. a type of fishing you can do when there is a ice lake
  9. 15. white stuff that falls from the sky
  10. 16. a animal that looks like snow
  11. 17. a holiday that happens during winter
  1. 1. something you can make out of snow
  2. 2. boots you can wear so snow doesn't get in them
  3. 3. something you can wear around you neck so it doesn't get cold
  4. 4. a place you can stay made out of ice
  5. 5. a clothing that keeps your hands warm
  6. 7. what stuff does after being very cold for a period of time
  7. 8. muffs that keep your ears warm
  8. 9. something you can drink to warm you up
  9. 11. something you are during winter
  10. 12. a clothing you can wear to keep your body warm