winter words

  1. 3. you do this on mountains
  2. 4. you get them when its cold
  3. 5. idk
  4. 7. its that time
  5. 8. you hunt them in winter
  6. 15. warmth
  7. 17. it keeps your body warm
  8. 18. you do this on ice
  9. 22. you make them with snow
  10. 23. you cook stuff on it
  11. 24. good food
  12. 26. good food
  13. 28. typw of towl
  14. 29. keeps you warm
  15. 30. kinda like a blankit
  16. 33. it keeps your feet warm
  17. 35. goes on snow
  18. 36. you use them in the snow
  19. 37. keeps you warm
  1. 1. its a type of cold
  2. 2. goes on your feet
  3. 4. it are father
  4. 6. it keeps you warm
  5. 9. its somthing you drink
  6. 10. its a place
  7. 11. presants are given
  8. 12. you have this when you do stuff
  9. 13. it happens when its cold and rains
  10. 14. you put them on your hands
  11. 16. its a type of time
  12. 17. you kill things
  13. 19. its a type of bread
  14. 20. you throw them
  15. 21. its somthing the snow does
  16. 25. it comes from the sky
  17. 27. we watch them
  18. 31. they keep your body warm
  19. 32. it goes on roads
  20. 34. it goes around your neck