Winter's Tail Vocabulary

  1. 2. The ___ of a pencil is to write.
  2. 3. You have to ___ what a teacher does during a lesson and write down everything she writes.
  3. 5. Winter uses an ___ tail to swim. It's made of plastic.
  4. 7. Not having a tail was an __ that Winter had to overcome to survive.
  5. 8. The people who helped Winter were ___ and worked many hours to help her.
  1. 1. The movie (look/looks) better than the book.
  2. 2. Winter's prosthetic tail had to be ___ and able to move as she moved.
  3. 4. Not everyone cooks the same way, we all have our own ____ for cooking.
  4. 5. The students (is/are) excited about summer break.
  5. 6. A team must ___ in order to be successful and win games.