Wisdom Literature

  1. 2. Controlled with a bit and bridle
  2. 4. “Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from __________.”
  3. 8. Having a conversation with God
  4. 9. Word that describes a person who recognizes his/her position before God
  5. 11. Solomon tried ____________ to make his heart happy and found it to be meaningless
  6. 15. Solomon carried out his experiments in a laboratory that was under the ______________.
  7. 16. A man who loves wisdom brings _________ to his father
  8. 18. The first path tested in Ecclesiastes
  9. 19. Their ________ is an open grave
  10. 24. "Praise the Lord, all you ______________ (Psalm 117)"
  11. 25. David takes _____________ in the Lord
  12. 26. David says this is perfect
  13. 27. Anything contrary to the will of God
  14. 28. One of six things the Lord hates _________ eyes.
  15. 34. God is our ______________ .
  16. 35. God’s ____________ .
  17. 37. The first of Job’s friends that spoke
  18. 38. Solomon tells his readers to remember their ______________
  19. 40. The beloved said his love was like __________ in a parade of soldiers
  20. 41. Noisy musical instruments used to praise God
  21. 44. God will ___________ us. (Psalm 67)
  22. 46. The almond tree blossoms are a metaphor for white _________
  23. 47. David (and Luther) sings that the Lord is his _____________
  24. 48. What country did God bring Israel out of during the Exodus?
  25. 50. "Students in pre-engineering build _________, just like Solomon did"
  26. 51. Like a _____________ ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion
  27. 52. The firstborn sheep was used as a ____________ during the passover
  28. 54. A good ___________ is more desirable than great riches
  29. 56. The Lord ________________ . (Synonymous with powerful)
  30. 67. David’s vocation. A title used to describe Jesus.
  31. 68. Solomon’s name for someone who does not fear God
  32. 71. Sea monster
  33. 73. What the entire book of Song of Solomon is about
  34. 74. A melting creature listed in Psalm 58
  35. 75. The ______________ of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
  36. 77. Another name for Jerusalem
  37. 79. A fancy word for sin. Literally means tresspasses
  38. 80. The place Job’s first friend is from
  39. 81. The girl in the Song of Solomon begins her story with this impassioned verb
  40. 82. A wife of noble character is her husband’s _______________
  41. 84. Job’s adversary
  42. 85. A device used to catch animals
  43. 88. A slimy creature that was dissected in Biology and used in one of the Exodus plagues
  44. 89. "Unless God builds the ___________, its builders build in vain."
  45. 90. A Hebrew word for fog
  46. 92. The beloved is a _______________
  1. 1. “write them on the _________ of your heart.”
  2. 2. David’s musical instrument
  3. 3. God’s ______________ gives us life
  4. 5. The king rules with an _________ scepter
  5. 6. Where did the Hebrew captives hang their harps? By the rivers of ________ .
  6. 7. The _____________ declare the glory of God
  7. 10. The arm muscles of David are described as being like this metal
  8. 12. Another name for a lazy fool
  9. 13. The beloved compares the girl’s beauty to _________ and loveliness to Jerusalem
  10. 14. “Though I dwell in the ____________ of the shadow of death…”
  11. 17. A way of blessing God
  12. 20. Job wished he had never been _______
  13. 21. The sin of eating too much
  14. 22. Storage for arrows
  15. 23. The father of the nation Israel
  16. 29. The daughters of Jerusalem are bound in an oath that invokes these animals,
  17. 30. "“Give ____________ to the Lord, for he is good”"
  18. 31. Pulled by horses. Some trust in them to save.
  19. 32. God is declared to be _____________ in Psalm 8
  20. 33. Without ____________ a quarrel dies down (Proverbs 26)
  21. 36. Wine is a _____________ (Proverbs 20)
  22. 39. The youngest of Job’s friends
  23. 42. Psalm 119 is organized in this fashion
  24. 43. Israel is like a flock of ____________
  25. 45. Something that falls on Mt. Hermon
  26. 49. Solomon tells us to cast our ____________ upon the waters
  27. 53. A long word describing how long we will be “extoling” the Lord (Psalm 114)
  28. 55. The son is warned to flee from the ___________
  29. 57. _______________ skipped like rams (Psalm 114)
  30. 58. The friend who is the Shuhite
  31. 59. A ____________ wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day
  32. 60. The girl in the vineyard was called a _______________ by the daughters of Jerusalem.
  33. 61. The creatures alongside God’s throne (and depicted on the Ark of the Covenant)
  34. 62. In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is ___________ (Proverbs 12)
  35. 63. Solomon saw the tears of the ____________ and was sad because they had no comforter
  36. 64. Large creature that eats grass
  37. 65. God declared Job to be ___________________
  38. 66. We receive this through Jesus
  39. 69. What was running down Aaron’s beard? (Psalm 133)
  40. 70. "A bright, scary weather phenomenon used to describe God’s power"
  41. 72. One of three constellations listed in Job
  42. 75. Can’t be used to catch the leviathan
  43. 76. Water came forth from a ___________. Also used as a metaphor for God.
  44. 78. The way of fools
  45. 83. The organism that has two daughters (Proverbs 30)
  46. 86. Hebrew name for the letter A
  47. 87. A blessed man does not _____ in the counsel of the wicked
  48. 89. Wisdom is sweeter than ______________
  49. 91. A soaring bird