Wizarding World

  1. 5. A game based in the 1980s that you can get on your mobile phone.
  2. 6. American equivalent to Hogwarts; featured in Goblet of Fire.
  3. 8. Voldemort's true identity.
  4. 9. A group that was led and started by Voldemort.
  5. 11. There are ____ Harry Potter books.
  6. 12. Headmaster while Harry was at school.
  1. 1. The _______ were a friend group in the 70s; Remus Lupin(Moony), James Potter(Prongs), Sirius Black(Padfoot), and Peter Pettigrew(wormtail).
  2. 2. Ship name for Padfoot and Moony; arguably the biggest fanon couple.
  3. 3. There are ___ Harry Potter movies.
  4. 4. Spin off to the Harry Potter movies; based in the 1920s.
  5. 7. Group that was started to take down the Death Eaters.
  6. 10. Sirius Black's younger brother who died trying to destroy horcruxes.