Continental Crossword Challenge UWCSA

  1. 1. western on equator
  2. 3. newest
  3. 5. atlas mountains here
  4. 7. mediterranean furthest north
  5. 9. nile confluence capital is here
  6. 11. surrounded by senegal
  7. 13. only one worded country with all 5 vowels
  8. 15. massive river country
  9. 19. most notorious leader came to power in 1971
  10. 20. conakry is capital
  11. 23. changed its name
  12. 24. capital and country the same name
  13. 25. on red sea
  14. 30. their notorious president died in 2019
  15. 31. blood diamonds
  16. 32. disputes the falls
  17. 37. has a ski resort
  18. 39. lake
  19. 40. furthest west on mainland
  20. 41. in the middle of the continent
  21. 42. changed capitals
  22. 43. lemurs
  23. 45. last to criminalise slavery
  24. 46. tigray conflict
  25. 47. on tropic of cancer
  26. 48. furthest east on mainland
  27. 49. better known by its french name
  1. 2. capital starts with same two letters
  2. 4. three capitals
  3. 6. small river country
  4. 8. was portuguese
  5. 9. 4 words
  6. 10. desert and deserted
  7. 12. gained independence in same year WK started
  8. 14. misleadingly not really at zero degrees latitude
  9. 16. genocide
  10. 17. nile mouth
  11. 18. ben is outside and it's cold so you would call ....
  12. 21. two worded cashew nut exporter
  13. 22. wk president
  14. 26. tiny indian ocean islands
  15. 27. tiny atlantic islands
  16. 28. has most colonial sounding capital
  17. 29. starts with the same five letters as another country
  18. 33. highest point
  19. 34. at the end of this session it will be time ....
  20. 35. famous lake now diminishing rapidly
  21. 36. has difficult capital to spell
  22. 37. colonel gadaffi
  23. 38. never subjected to colonial rule
  24. 39. bob the singer spelled another way
  25. 41. first country to fifa world cup qfs
  26. 43. furthest east
  27. 44. first sub-saharan country to gain independence