WK1 | Special Education Acronym Soup

  1. 2. Free Appropriate Public Education
  2. 5. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  3. 7. Age Equivalent
  4. 9. the date upon which the disabled child will no longer be eligible for tuition free educational services.
  5. 10. Curriculum based assessment
  1. 1. Behavior intervention plan
  2. 3. the purpose of this review which includes the parent and sometimes the student, recommends the continuation, modification, or termination of classification, placement or IEP needs and related services for the upcoming year.
  3. 4. a full and comprehensive reexamination of a disabled child held every three years
  4. 6. Applied behavior analysis
  5. 8. the evaluation and provision of services for disabled children to develop or maintain adaptive skills designed to achieve maximal physical and mental functioning of the individual in his/her daily life tasks.