natural disaters

  1. 1. when water rises and swarms into buildings
  2. 5. a volcanic mud-flow
  3. 7. can create volcanoes,mountains and earthquakes
  4. 9. they spin and destroy everything in their path sucking it up
  5. 10. loud noise that bangs and shacks the ground and is near lightning
  6. 11. when a hill moves and rocks fall down
  7. 12. it spits out hot lava
  8. 13. a fire that is created in a forest in a hot places by nature
  1. 2. strikes tall things creating a beam of light
  2. 3. shakes the ground making thing fall over
  3. 4. large rock from space that made the dinosaurs extinct
  4. 6. can be created by a volcano when the rain falls through the ash cloud
  5. 8. humongous wave that can collapse buildings