Top 15 Most Influential Women

  1. 2. Greatly helped slavery by handing petitions out at the age of 17, and traveled the country giving women’s suffrage speeches with Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  2. 8. Founded the Red Cross
  3. 9. Cofounded NAACP and led antilynching protests
  4. 10. Established “Hull House”, the first settlement house in the U.S.
  5. 12. Participated in politics and helped create New Deal legislation
  6. 13. First women to serve on Supreme Court
  7. 14. Aided her husband with Civil rights
  8. 15. First women to fly over atlantic
  1. 1. Refused to give her seat up on a bus, strong activist in Civil Rights movement
  2. 3. “Conductor” Underground Railroad
  3. 4. Wrote famous novel about a slave named Tom
  4. 5. Main force at Seneca Falls Convention, cofounded Women’s Loyal National League
  5. 6. Wrote Little Women
  6. 7. Wrote of the horrors of slavery
  7. 11. Held famous speech which called for women’s voting rights