Women of the Word

  1. 3. Understand where the text fits into the Big Story
  2. 10. Rendering of the Bible into different versions
  3. 12. A working knowledge of the Bible
  4. 13. Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration
  5. 14. Embrace the frustration that comes with learning
  1. 1. Structured and intentional approach to understanding the Bible
  2. 2. Excavating the original meaning of a passage
  3. 4. Mark repeated words, phrases, ideas, and attributes of God
  4. 5. Overarching story or theme
  5. 6. The background of a passage
  6. 7. Understanding the historical and cultural context
  7. 8. Series of actions to achieve a result
  8. 9. Do this before, during, and after study to seek guidance from God
  9. 11. A book about GOD, not me