Women's Employments in the 19th Century

  1. 3. manages the care of a home.
  2. 9. writes books or articles.
  3. 10. makes broadsides, newspapers, and books.
  4. 11. makes and sells sweets that may be medicinal as well.
  5. 13. sews simple clothing.
  6. 14. sells goods in stores.
  1. 1. educates children.
  2. 2. educates and raises children.
  3. 4. makes bonnets and hats.
  4. 5. paints or inks color into illustrations and fashion plates.
  5. 6. cares for books and their readers.
  6. 7. transcribes text to make duplicates.
  7. 8. makes women's clothing.
  8. 12. raises livestock and grows crops.