
  1. 2. your on break during this time
  2. 3. Augusts female guardian
  3. 6. a word that stands for something
  4. 13. when everybody stands and claps
  5. 14. Augusts best friend
  6. 16. the word Julian used to describe the spring retreat
  7. 17. the title of a book
  8. 19. you back to school in this month
  9. 21. laughing really hard
  10. 22. to pick something
  11. 23. when you mess up a line in a play/show/movie
  12. 25. god backwards
  1. 1. something you wear on your head
  2. 4. no body wants to be here
  3. 5. a normal thing
  4. 7. when someone is out of the ordinary
  5. 8. something big
  6. 9. Augusts sister
  7. 10. someone who may replace someone for a play
  8. 11. extremely happy
  9. 12. Augusts male guardian
  10. 15. a behavior everyone wants to see in you
  11. 18. the after affect of something
  12. 20. when someone is misshapen
  13. 24. you are in a class about these