Wood work
- 4. when 2 pieces of something meet, such as timber
- 6. equipment you use such as a screwdriver
- 9. it makes wood smooth and shiny
- 11. so your clothes don't get dirty
- 13. to tighten a nail
- 14. you can use this to scrape things off with
- 15. the outside of it is covered in sand paper
- 17. you use it to make long strait lines
- 18. a machine that saws, with a skinny bit of metal
- 1. it does the same thing as a sanding block but much faster
- 2. to know the length of something you use ...
- 3. protect your eyes
- 5. you bind wood together with it
- 7. keeps loud noises out from your ears
- 8. they are strong and all are electrical or have some sort of engine
- 10. to saw something on the table you use a...
- 12. a sticky substance to keep things together
- 15. you follow (something) rules
- 16. to tightly put a nail in something without using a screw driver
- 19. you used it to cut out different shapes (such as a hear) when learning to use it