
  1. 2. Softwood that loses its leaves in winter
  2. 6. Cutting down a tree
  3. 7. An example of an alloy
  4. 8. Softwood native to Ireland
  5. 11. Personal Protective Equipment
  6. 12. The drying of wood
  7. 14. The government company set up to manage Ireland’s forests.
  8. 16. Trees that keep their leaves in Winter (Softwoods)
  9. 17. Dark coloured wood in the centre of the trunk, gives strength to the tree
  10. 19. A example of a Non ferrous metal
  11. 21. Tough outer layer that protects the tree from insect and fungal attack.
  12. 22. Trees that lose their leaves in winter (Hardwoods)
  13. 24. Part of the seed that grows towards the light and forms the stem.
  1. 1. The Planting of trees or forests.
  2. 3. When pollution in the air is picked up by rain clouds
  3. 4. The removal of small weak trees in a forest to allow the remaining trees to mature.
  4. 5. The destruction of forests.
  5. 7. Wood used to make bowls and wooden spoons
  6. 9. The thin sheets of wood used to make plywood
  7. 10. Light coloured wood close to the edge, nutrients and water are carried in the Sapwood
  8. 13. Hardwood that keeps its leaves in winter
  9. 15. Wood used to make hurleys
  10. 16. Cutting down all the trees in a forest
  11. 18. Wood used to make whiskey barrels
  12. 20. Part of the seed that grows down to form the root.
  13. 23. Equilibrium Moisture Content