Worcester Academy

  1. 4. First name of Warner's namesake
  2. 6. A club with caucuses
  3. 9. An essential academic tool
  4. 10. Alum who let "Anything Go"
  5. 11. First dance
  6. 16. "I forgot my ___"
  7. 17. Like a TI, but better
  8. 19. Oldest building on campus (maybe)
  9. 22. Warner has these, also a leadership group on campus
  10. 23. Last name of the three-time MA Gatorade Player of the Year
  11. 26. A studious vending machine snack
  12. 27. Building that used to house a swimming pool
  13. 29. Mascot
  14. 30. Where flags used to fly
  15. 32. A sport of two seasons
  16. 33. Has a slight tilt
  17. 34. The other half of one of our core values
  18. 35. Champions
  19. 36. You cut this
  20. 37. Involves a bell and blazers
  1. 1. Bane of Freshmen history
  2. 2. Relaxing space on campus
  3. 3. Nicki fans and 9th grade health class
  4. 5. Movie filmed on campus
  5. 7. The holy scripture of Pre-Calculus
  6. 8. WA's newspaper
  7. 12. ___ Hotel/Jail
  8. 13. Required science class
  9. 14. WA's old castle
  10. 15. Original land of the vending machines
  11. 18. Field and code
  12. 20. Top dog
  13. 21. A Sage staple
  14. 24. A famous triangle
  15. 25. Protecting the faith and campus
  16. 28. Digging animal and chemistry term
  17. 30. Display on board
  18. 31. Year of WA's founding in Roman numerals