Word Ch 2 Vocabulary
- 2. in-text instead of noting each source at the bottom of the page or at the end of the paper.
- 4. to indent just the first line of a paragraph
- 8. amount of vertical space between lines of text in paragraphs
- 12. automatically corrects typing, spelling, capitalization, or grammar errors
- 13. does not require a title page and notes are used only for optional content or bibliography notes
- 14. removes the item from the document before placing it on the Office clipboard
- 17. ensures that all the source information is correct and look for grammatical, typographical, and spelling errors
- 20. default style in word, which most likely uses an 11-point Calibri font
- 21. one that you force into the document at a specific location
- 22. formats the list of sources and alphabetize them
- 23. temporary storage area that holds up to 24 items copied from any Office program
- 1. the amount of space above and below a paragraph
- 3. the process of placing items on the Office Clipboard, leaving the item in the document
- 5. means that the amount of vertical space between each line of text and above and below paragraphs should be equal to one blank line
- 6. easy way to indent paragraphs
- 7. text and/or graphics that print at the top of each page in a document
- 9. allows you to change the entire left margin
- 10. the process of copying an item from the Office Clipboard into the document at the location of the insertion point
- 11. text and/or graphics that print at the bottom of every page
- 15. uses a separate title page instead of placing name and course information on the paper’s first page
- 16. named group of formatting characteristics including font and font size
- 18. a document you can use to communicate the results of research findings
- 19. word automatically inserts page breaks when it determines the text has filled one page according to paper size, margin settings, line spacing, and other settings