Word Generation Quarter 1

  1. 4. Higher quality or better
  2. 5. A major disagreement among many people.
  3. 6. To strongly influence a decision.
  4. 7. Equality or equal status.
  5. 8. To take part or be involved in
  6. 10. To create or control by making laws or rules.
  7. 11. Determination or commitment.
  8. 12. General agreement
  9. 13. To argue about an issue; to consider different options in order to make a choice.
  10. 15. Amount of something that is produced.
  1. 1. To defend or show to be right.
  2. 2. Point of view or a way of looking at things.
  3. 3. To form or create.
  4. 9. Able to recover quickly
  5. 14. To add or change to.