word lesson 1 vocabulary

  1. 2. a feature in Word that automatically wraps words around to the next line when they will not fit on the current line
  2. 3. a way of viewing a document on screen that displays headings and text in outline form so you can see the structure of your document and reorganize easily; headers and footers, page boundaries, graphics, and backgrounds do not appear
  3. 6. a way of viewing a document on screen that shows only the text of a document; you don’t see headers and footer, margins, columns, or graphics
  4. 7. the most common way of viewing a document on screen; it shows how a document will look when it is printed, and you can work with headers and footers, margins, columns, and graphics, what are all displayed
  5. 8. a bar at the bottom of the program window that provides information about the current file and process
  6. 10. in an Office program window, buttons that you can click to change views quickly
  1. 1. a bar in the lower right corner of an office program window that you can use to increase or decrease the size of the document on screen
  2. 2. The use of a computer and software to enter and edit text and produce documents such as letters, memos, forms, and reports
  3. 4. an area in a window that contains buttons used to execute a function or open a command menu
  4. 5. a way of viewing a document on screen that stimulates the way a document will look when it is viewed as a Web page; text and graphics appear the way they would in a web browser, and backgrounds are visible
  5. 9. An area at the top of an Office program window that contains commands for working with the open file; the commands are organized under tabs