Word of the Day Review

  1. 3. A place where people are held as prisoners for political reasons is called a _____________ camp.
  2. 5. A ranking system that puts people in different classes, groups, or orders. A social __________.
  3. 12. A large communist country made up of Russia and many small states that existed from 1922-1991.
  4. 13. Ideas of an often false or exaggerated nature spread in the media.
  5. 14. World war I was fought using ________ warfare.
  6. 15. A period of hostility between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II until 1990.
  7. 16. Taking peoples' property and putting it under control of the government.
  8. 17. To give into the demands of someone to avoid conflict.
  1. 1. The persecution of the Jewish population of Europe by the Nazis during World War II.
  2. 2. A competition between nations for the superiority in the development of weapons.
  3. 4. How someone views things.
  4. 6. To act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
  5. 7. An agreement where all sides agree to help each other, creating a mutual benefit.
  6. 8. The peace treaty that ended World War I.
  7. 9. Not supporting or helping either side in a conflict.
  8. 10. A sudden change in something, especially leadership.
  9. 11. An economy where the government controls society, production, and things are supposed to be equal.