Word of the Day Vocab Review

  1. 1. Don't try to ______________ showering and talking on the phone.
  2. 4. I __________ the party to find my friend.
  3. 7. He _________________ his financial problems to his girlfriend.
  4. 8. Michigan's roads are very ______________.
  5. 10. We are all born with the ______________ to do amazing things.
  6. 12. The team was ______________ in its goal to win the game.
  7. 13. Hadeel has lots of ________________ in makeup.
  8. 15. Many Americans ___________________ Trump's travel bans.
  9. 17. I ______________ passed out cards to the students without looking at them.
  1. 2. English teachers usually ______________ the importance of vocabulary.
  2. 3. Writing a good opinion paragraph can be a _________________.
  3. 5. Eagles have many special ______________, including their appearance.
  4. 6. We realized _______________ that we had left our car unlocked, and we turned back at the same time.
  5. 9. Feel free to _____________ your seat to make it more comfortable.
  6. 11. My wedding ring is extremely _________________ to me.
  7. 14. Studying for finals should be your first _____________ above everything else.
  8. 16. The plane ______________ late, but at least we were safe.