Word Power Sections 20-22 Crossword

  1. 1. wishing evil or ill will on another
  2. 3. very clumsy
  3. 6. sin; vice
  4. 8. your equal
  5. 12. vague and unclear
  6. 14. to sooth or appease
  7. 15. calmness of mind
  8. 18. criminal
  9. 19. agressive
  1. 1. to work against
  2. 2. a feeling of sickness and fatigue
  3. 4. to play down another's accomplishment
  4. 5. prohibition; limitation of something not good for you
  5. 7. to mislead in speech to placate both sides
  6. 9. certain and sure
  7. 10. very loud
  8. 11. inequality
  9. 13. doing evil
  10. 16. equanimity
  11. 17. a curse