  1. 4. type of organizational structures groups employees based on their specific function or role
  2. 7. type of organizational structures divided into different division responsible for a specific product service or geographical area
  3. 8. type of leadership involves followers in the decision making process and it's most effective for group performance
  4. 9. refer to decision making being concentrated at the top of the organization
  5. 11. ability of individual or a group to influence and guide to follow
  6. 13. type of organizational structures fewer levels of hierarchy with a wider span of control
  7. 18. how well the team has functioned review of individual contribution make by each team
  8. 21. type of Functional area management the process of attracting training developing and maintaining an excellent workforce
  9. 22. type of theory that focus shifted to the behavior of people in organization
  10. 23. type of leadership have complete power over people and makes all decisions
  11. 26. type of theory that magnifies control order formality
  12. 28. guiding and motivating team
  13. 30. making sure that everything is going according to plan
  14. 31. type of organizational structures the way an organization arranges to line of authority role responsibility and communication
  15. 33. a organization capable of quickly adopting new demands and operate efficiently
  16. 34. type of theory that set of parts that interact with the form of complex whole
  17. 35. type of leadership delegate decision making authority to their followers
  18. 36. type of theory that effective leadership style depends on the situation external and internal factors
  19. 37. factors of Path-goal theory
  20. 39. process of deciding what to do and then getting it done through the effective uses of resources
  21. 40. factors of Path-goal theory, high need affiliation need of structures and control
  1. 1. type of management that shows how goods and services are produced in organization
  2. 2. a group of people working together to achieve a common goals
  3. 3. type of flexibility happens when the lore of permanent employees is supplemented be a peripheral group of part Time with fewer shortening changes
  4. 5. a system of levels or rank within an organization
  5. 6. type of management that is about controlling the flow of money in and out of the organization
  6. 10. type of flexibility happens when number of employees can be quickly and easily increase or decrease in line with fewer shortening changes
  7. 12. how and when it will be done?
  8. 14. it's oriented that 57 is the passing rates
  9. 15. type of theory by wenber (1946) division of labor impersonality and ect.
  10. 16. evaluate the favoreness of various situations
  11. 17. making sure everyone knows their roles securing the venue and setting up timelines
  12. 19. is a oriented that 64 passing rates
  13. 20. consist of a statement or an understanding of what the organization on a part of it wants to become
  14. 24. type of organizational structures combines element of both functional and divisional structures
  15. 25. type of theory that the network of influencial roles and relationship that is for better or worse
  16. 27. type of theory proposed that in any system of organization technical taste aspect are intercultural with the human or social aspect
  17. 29. a theory that leaders define that should be followed by their team to achieve goals
  18. 32. involves distributing decision making authority to lower level
  19. 38. type of management use to making sure everyone knows about the product or service