
  1. 1. not privilege for people who are high statue or rich
  2. 7. traditional or religious acts
  3. 10. ignoring feelings or emotions of animals or people, and acting them inhumanly
  4. 11. opposite of decrease
  5. 12. impossible to touch or see
  6. 15. feeling gloomy/ sad
  7. 16. open to discussion
  8. 18. treat people differently according to their statues, money, gender, religion, etc.
  9. 19. doing something illegal
  10. 20. imagine (in our minds)
  1. 2. admit
  2. 3. show special things to public
  3. 4. possible to touch or see
  4. 5. decrease or fall
  5. 6. place or settle
  6. 8. portray sth or sbd in picture or story
  7. 9. being talked by two or more people from different perspectives
  8. 13. the negative views against somebody or something without knowing anytghing
  9. 14. ability, talent
  10. 17. bad condition of economy