words mixed

  1. 1. You have a beautiful view over the l...
  2. 7. the english word for "gefälscht"
  3. 9. the english word for "beleidigen"
  4. 11. the english word for "Gewalt"
  5. 13. the english word for Sammelbuch
  6. 15. the adjektiv of popular
  7. 17. the adjektiv of adventure
  8. 20. when you film someone you ... him
  9. 22. an other word for disappointment
  10. 25. other people give you tips how you can do it better
  1. 2. you fall down
  2. 3. the english word for "Motor"
  3. 4. an other word for signiture z.B: when i was younger i want a signiture from Katy Perry.
  4. 5. Your parents ... you to get better in school
  5. 6. sometimes people walk around and ask other, if they want to be a part of a experiement
  6. 8. the english for "zugänglich"
  7. 10. babys will grow up in a ...
  8. 12. It's a popular hobby. You need arrows and a bow.
  9. 14. short form from do it yourself
  10. 16. the adjektiv of obvously
  11. 18. an other word for a bad promise
  12. 19. an other word for calm,soft or kind
  13. 21. an other word for friend
  14. 23. a child, which age is 1+
  15. 24. the english word for "Recherche"