
  1. 2. provide enough money to pay for the things sb needs.
  2. 4. sth you get from your work in addition to your salary ,such as the use of a car...
  3. 9. a letter with information about you written by sb who knows you well, intended for a possible employer.
  4. 10. sb who is being considered for a job.
  5. 11. money added to sb's salary.
  6. 12. sb who has been told they must leave their job because they are no longer needed
  7. 13. a job that is available for sb to start doing.
  1. 1. a period of time when workers deliberately stop working because of a disagreement about pay, working conditions.
  2. 3. money you receive after you retire.
  3. 5. remove sb from their job because they have done sth wrong
  4. 6. an organisation that protects worker's rights.
  5. 7. money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours,days or weeks that you work.
  6. 8. money that you receive from your employer every month.