  1. 3. someone who cooks food in a restaurant as their job
  2. 5. someone whose profession is to provide people with legal advice and services
  3. 6. a fixed amount of money that you earn each month or year from your job
  4. 7. a document giving details of your qualifications and the jobs you have had in the past that you send to someone when you are applying for a job.
  5. 8. a job or series of related jobs that you do
  6. 10. a sudden feeling of being very excited and pleased
  7. 11. work that involves going outside the classroom or laboratory to study something in a real environment
  8. 13. a journey on a ship for pleasure, especially one that involves visiting a series of places
  9. 14. someone whose job is to report the news for a newspaper, magazine, radio programme, or television programme
  1. 1. animals such as cows, sheep, and pigs that are kept on farms
  2. 2. things that are being sent by ship, plane, train, or truck
  3. 4. someone whose job is to make fires stop burning and help people to escape from other dangerous situations
  4. 6. someone in an office who works for someone else and who does jobs such as arranging meetings, making phone calls, and preparing letters
  5. 9. someone who is a member of an army
  6. 10. someone whose job is to teach
  7. 12. a man/woman who has magic powers