
  1. 2. some perks you get with being hired to the company
  2. 5. it's the synonym to "timetable"
  3. 8. every employee has this period of time for having rest after 6 months of work or more (depending on the place. It takes from 2 weeks up to 3 month length.
  4. 9. they are your co-workers
  1. 1. getting a higher position (career ladder)
  2. 3. it's a benefit you get with being hired to the company and it's usually covers your health issues.
  3. 4. working timetable without fixed starting and ending hours. It means you can begin to work earlier in the day or later than the originally set time.
  4. 6. money you earn for your work in the company you are employed
  5. 7. some pieces of work you are obliged to accomplish (your everyday working duties)