  1. 1. 50N X 40M=_____w
  2. 3. if you push a box on something that has little to no friction you will go ____
  3. 6. force X distance
  4. 8. for work to happen everything has to move in the ____-_________
  5. 9. what does the N stand for when measuring force
  6. 11. it you lift a jug of milk up is it work
  1. 2. we measure work in ______
  2. 3. how hard you push something
  3. 4. for something to be work it has to ____
  4. 5. how far you push something
  5. 6. letter do we use to represent force
  6. 7. if you are holding a goose is that work
  7. 10. the ability to do work