
  1. 3. An agreement about how much you work, what you do, etc.
  2. 7. When you stop working because of your age, you....
  3. 8. And 14 people who only work part of the day or week have part-......
  4. 10. Someone who works for a company
  5. 11. If a company doesn't need employees any more, it makes them....
  6. 13. Companies who sell products to others
  1. 1. People who work with you
  2. 2. When you work more than the normal hours, you do....
  3. 4. Someone who buys your products
  4. 5. Money you get after you stop work.
  5. 6. My job only lasts twon months: it'
  6. 9. If you leave your job to move to another one, you......
  7. 12. To tell someone to leave their job, for example because they have made a mistake: to....them