  1. 2. the creative industry, theatre, litrrature
  2. 5. what you do to earn money
  3. 9. a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations
  4. 10. sb who writes for newspapers or magazines
  5. 11. a formal word for "job"
  6. 14. the industry of buying and selling things; trade
  7. 15. sb who presents the news on television
  8. 16. someone who earns money for the job that they do
  9. 17. money paid to others for their services
  10. 19. to move from one place to another
  11. 21. the cost required for something; the money spent on something.
  12. 22. an important topic or problem for debate or discussion
  13. 24. the entertainment and information industry
  14. 25. extra money that you are paid on top of your salary
  15. 26. to receive money for the work that you do
  16. 28. the legal industry, lawyers, judges
  17. 29. the official in control of a court who decides how criminals should be punished
  18. 31. someone who spends money
  19. 33. unfilled position; unoccupied apartment or room
  20. 34. money received
  21. 35. sb who designs pictures and texts for magazines, advertisements etc
  22. 37. sb who teaches at university
  1. 1. sb with an important position in a bank
  2. 3. money that the government gives to people who don't have a job and are looking for a job
  3. 4. the money that you receive for the work that you do
  4. 6. sb who teaches privately or at a college
  5. 7. to stop working because one has reached a certain age
  6. 8. sb who is trained to give medical help, but not a doctor or a nurse
  7. 12. an elected law officer in a county (= an area of local government)
  8. 13. something you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job
  9. 14. the organisation of the money sb earns and the money sb spends
  10. 18. sb who is in charge of an office
  11. 20. the science used in making things and industry connected to it
  12. 23. your regular work that you do for a living
  13. 27. the money that you are paid every day or week for the work that you do
  14. 30. the industry of providing medical care
  15. 32. -learning and the industry connected with it
  16. 36. the money which you are paid every month for the work that you do